Saturday, January 02, 2010

With all of my respect to drug dealers from all over the world,
with my deepest sorrow for all the misused words and vulgar concepts,
I sigh for bullshit philosophy, it is in a top three list of misused word and vulgar concepts.

With my mocking smile to all of ridiculous philosophers, journalists, social scientists whatever loathsome eloquent people who try to do the act of cool,
I mumble they are none.

The word intellectuality rebelled. So stop kicking out a striping intellectual from the dance floor.

We should all deprived of the word independent!
Pitiable word in the list. Poor word is an adjective. so all kind of art words tangles to it. intellectual smuggler likes it a lot.

I silenced the word freedom and I try to figure that out how many times a day I use the word retarded.