Saturday, April 25, 2009

و نگاه تو را
در لابه لای خطوط
جست و جو می کنم
به کلمات خیره می شوم
کلمات بر من چشم
می بندم

Friday, April 24, 2009

خستگی هایم را ورق می زنم
در روزگاری
که خستگی
نوشته نمی شود
در هیچ دفتری

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Song of the Barren Orange Tree

Cut my shadow from me.
Free me from the torment
of being without fruit.

Why was I born among mirrors?
Day goes round and round me.
The night copies me
in all its stars.

I want to live without my reflection.
And then let me dream
that ants and thistledown
are my leaves and my parrots."