Wednesday, August 19, 2009

به دلتنگی عادت کرده ام
به قطره اشک جمع شده در گوشه چشم
این بار هم می دانم
دلم برای که تنگ شده است
سلام که می کنی
دلم برای خداحافظی تنگ می شود
خواسته ام
بودن توست
دلم برای خواستن تنگ شده است
محو می شوی
هم چهره و هم آوایت

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

بودنم اوج دیگر خواهی ست
زندگی بی رنگ است
بی رنگ

Friday, August 14, 2009

I am too much Persian so I do not need  "made in Iran" tag  on me.
But, these people just think I am Italian when first they see me and think I am Israeli when they  hear me!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Universe with its all complexity has more important things to do. It does not even bother itself to know our existence as a humankind. we are just a limited value that is disappeared in its infinity.

we, humankind, have nothing worth mention to do. So we started to get are self busy discovering the universe. we have million approaches for that. we keep trying to answer the question "what is life?". we have not done defining a life yet, we move forward and start defining artificial life.
we keep evolving and trying to survive.
I just wonder is there an end point for evolution?

Monday, August 10, 2009

There is a couple of people that I wish to be impolite enough to  answer them like. 
Que:How are you doing? or Are you fine? 
Ans: Does it really matter?

btw, i know i am more than enough impolite but not in every context !

Friday, August 07, 2009

getting ready to go fishing is much more exciting than fishing.
actually I should say fishing is boring! (as boring as playing golf!)
I should also mention that Americans are the best people in the world, they just have terrible taste in movies.